The Easter Rising
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2007 8:49 pm    Post subject: The Easter Rising Reply with quote

(sorry bout this i'm travelling on my own you see and i've an awful lot of time to think)

On this Day 91 years ago Patrick Pearse and various members of the Irish Republican Brotherhood instigated the Easter Rising and proclaimed the Irish Republic an independent state, for which they lost their lives. It was Pearse who proclaimed a Republic from the steps of the General Post Office, headquarters of the insurgents. Fuck Paddys day why celebrate the arrival of catholicism on the back of an english man who apparently wasn't even such saint at all, when we could celebrate St Pádraigs day and the beggining of the birth of the republic we cherish so dear. He was a real hero and a martyr (not to mention a teacher, barrister and a talented poet and writer). St Patrick brought 1200 years of catholic tyranny which was followed with eight hundred years oppression and abuse from his country men.

So Happy St Pádraigs day.
spread the word and dont forget to celebrate it somehow.flag8

P.S. I dont mean to offend any of you who are religous, my criticism is with Catholicism not Christianity. I also dont mean to offend Paddy Hynes or Paddy Browne, Well maybe Paddy Browne lol
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:01 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Not a bad idea, but do we really need too mass drinking days in Irish Culture Very Happy ?

I have another idea too, we should definitely celebrate the day Ireland became a Republic! The thing is, that day was on 1 April 1949. No wonder the nordies never gave us back those 6 counties, they probably thought the whole Republic thing was an April fools joke Wink

Edit: Oh ya and don't be sorry, post away there's no harm in it! Might keep ya entertained a little hehe
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Joined: 13 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 9:29 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

I think ist a great idea, but Patrick wasnt english he was French.......
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 11:48 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

This is what Benny Emailed me

"St patrick was scottish Led.
And pearse has brought with him 91 years of corrupt politicans and back handers.Hazar!
And don't be such a fag, using lol like that. Stick it up your ma's guter".

Benny your lack of patriotism suprises me, hey wait a minute, Benny your english aren't you hmm, so i suppose you are being patriotic you British Cunt... lolololololololololololololololololololol LOL, oh i'm so LOLing right now. Ok maybe your right about the LOL thing(english bastard).

And as for celebrating it the 1st of April and 1949. Yes that is april fools day and doesn't really have the heroic, rebelious, freedom fighter, martyr thing going for it. And in 1949 it was probably some formal uninteresting aggreement between the politicians, no shots fired, no bravery shown. Today however all those years ago was the heroic beginning for which good men were executed and the republic cogs were set in motion.(i'd say His britness sir Benny of Birmingham wud peg a spanner in those works if he got the chance) Lo... oh no wait hahaha Benny hahaha(hehehe)

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 12:08 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Minus the problem with giving out about interweb slang on the interweb why did he email ya that???
The Reply button is a hell of a lot closer to the "Send Led an Email button" o.O Actually where did you use LoL anyway?

All in favour of exatraditing Benny back to his anal-fisting mother land say I - before he gets a chance to ruin our 'Irish Republican Day' (too American't???) celebrations!
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 1:01 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Jay your right as alway. It is a lot easier to hit reply than the "Send Led an Email button".

But it made more sense to reply to the email he sent me instead of loggin onto this site and replying here.

And when you call england "anal fisting mother land", well you'd know I suppose. Ha ha ha my Ancestors fisted your ancestors up the shitter! And the Croghans probably loved it!

But led what has St Patrick got to do with the English coming over? Ok the Catholic tyranny maybe but the english would have arrived anyways. The irish were oppressed by the English for a number of reasons, one being their religion.

Pierse and the boys were fighting partly because of their religion so I don't think they'd be too happy with what your saying!

I have to go back to work now so i'm not gonna write any more shit....for the moment!
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 2:50 pm    Post subject: St Paddy was a brit Reply with quote

Yeah by the way i also e-mailed people that draft cuz i thought they either weren't athlonians or mightn't log on till after St Pádraigs day and would therefore miss the celebrations, so in Benny the Brits defence it was easier for him to e-mail back. Although to speak of my mothers vagina like that was quite distasteful. Forshame Benny FOOORSSSSHHAAAME. What would you think if i spoke of your precious Queen Mums vagina in such a foul manner(Or is she dead now i don't know,well i still mean it even if she is)

And Benny as for what it has to do with england i was under the impression St Patrick was english and i'm pretty sure he was. I've just looked it up and Wikipedia agrees although apparrantly that too can be wrong the odd time. Anways the connection is that their both English, i wondered why we embraced and celebrated the english man who brought that feckin oppressive religion here when we so strongly dislike the fact that the English controlled and oppressed us for so long. Ya know what i mean? We wouldn't celebrate "Occupation Day"(well maybe you would Benny hehe) or our defeat at the battle of the Boyne. At the end of the day St Patricks day is Ireland day and i dont think the coming of catholicism is the best thing that has ever happened to Ireland, and now its becoming a global event so its especially misfitting given the religously diverse world we live in.

So i say Happy St Pádraigs day woowoo, If i'm back in Ireland next year for it or whenever, We're going on the Locke
It a little difficult to celebrate it here as there are no pubs clubs or nightlife at all hence why i'm on the net in the evenings maybe i'll go smoke a shisha in a cafe or sumtin. We should start a campaign Jay get working on the auld website there ya big computer genius ya. Bertie is a huge fan of Pearse, altough he gonna be out of office soon. Hmm

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:05 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Wikipedia says he was born in Roman Britain, not england.

But its all the same to me I suppose. I'm not racist, to me your all English Very Happy
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 10:22 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Thats bull ST.Patrick was Born and Bred in the mountains of France, not sure which mountains...
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:21 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Benny wrote:
Wikipedia says he was born in Roman Britain, not england.

Whats your point. British? English? your the first Brit i've ever heard to point out that theres a difference and so if the reason was to correct an incorrect nationality, i think both terms are used. I suppose technically if he was scottish then he's also English but not British. But if he was born in "Roman Britain" then he's both, so there Burns you sandy vagina'd muddafucka. Ya just love gettin in the way dont ya ha?.
And as for that weblink you posted. "The New Advent Catholic Website". Catholicism, its mostly lies.
I wouldn't trust a word of it but even if it's true he would technically count as English (although personally i'd never call a scot English).

So where was St Paddy from, we got three conflicting reports.
P.S. Yer Mudder Benny.
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:46 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Its in the history books man, history doesnt lie.........
St. Patrick was a frog.

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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:45 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Ok led, your making fuck all sense there, like you said you'd never call a scotish person english. Why? Cus their not fuckin English. It would be the same as calling a northie english or you english.

And you think Wikapedia got their info from a non catholic based source? After 1200 years of catholic tyranny they have written the history books, they would have been the only ones keeping records when The P man was around.

Paddy your making sense, your just wrong. Think he might have gone to France to train to be a kiddy fiddler but he is definately Scottish. But if you can find me one of them history books i might believe you....

But why celebrate the day when we broke free from england when we turn around and join Europe (no point calling them europeans led, we'll just call them English will we!) and vote for the Maastricht Treaty and the nice treaty ect, where we gave more power to europe to rule us?

P.S. My Mudder.......was asking for ya led
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 5:55 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Got me England Britain in reverse order, i thought England was the Island and Britain was the state. My apoligies what i should have said was Scotland is part of great Britain, and not in England and so you could call a scot British(not english). Nothern Ireland is in The United Kingdom Of Great Britain, I think whether your British or not in Northern Ireland is down to your religion and so you can call a protestant northie British (not english). Ya'd want to be fairly sure though before ya try that one.

Benny wrote:
But why celebrate the day when we broke free from england when we turn around and join Europe

What?honestly thats honestly your question. Are you actually asking that. Seriously. There are so many answers to that, but i'll go with the easiest. The right to choose,the right to Vote, Democracy, Freedom. We can leave Europe later if we want we had a choice with those treaties. Do you think the politicians of Ireland have absolutely no say in what happens in Ireland or in Europe?.Sure why bother vote at all, theres no party gonna be in power.
Hmm Ireland being a colony, having its profits stolen, its people persecuted, its women raped, its people evicted and living in enforced poverty, it population halved by famine when there was food being exported, they even made slaves of us and sent us to the carribean among so many other things......and we chose to join Europe which has worked out quite well for us. Hmm that ones a toughy too. Wheres the sense there brendan, ok earlier i made a clerical error, i confused England with Britain,i thought England was the island i was wrong Britain is the island, understandable. But you actually know what your saying? thats just crazy man.
I wonder if Poland celebrate its breaking free of the Nazis, probably not their in europe, and i suppose all those eastern europen countries dont celebrate getting out of the USSR(after all Stalin was ever so nice to them stopping them from getting too bored by throwing them in labour camps), i wonder does Germany celebrate it reunification, suppose not their also in Europe?. Sure why did they bother resisting at all if the were going to go and join europe, ha? and they went to all the bother of changing their money just to be part of something which was the exact same????

Benny wrote:
And you think Wikapedia got their info from a non catholic based source? After 1200 years of catholic tyranny they have written the history books, they would have been the only ones keeping records when The P man was around

Good point but historians have picked through all that bullshit from many religious sources both in Ireland and England and come up with what can be reasonably assumed as the truth, I wouldnt trust some crazy godheads claimsabout religious or historical matters, but i'd sooner trust a historian whos researched it in depth, which the subject of St patrick has been. Some but very few of the facts are right like whether the people actually existed, such as St patrick thats why i said mostly lies and not all lies, i believe jesus existed but most of the rest of his lifes account sounds abit far fetched to me, the same with Mohammeds life, and Joseph Smiths. There aren't too many truths in the Bible it's pretty crazy stuff. Ah but can ya blame me for being critical after you sourcing the "New Advent Catholic" websHite who probably wouldn't say he was born in what is now a protestant country anyways.
Catholicism makes some pretty crazy claims. St Paddy chased the snakes out of Ireland? Moses Split the Red sea, Samson killed one thousand Philistines with the jawbone of a donkey, Neighbours wives aren't for coveting, i don't buy it. I think Historians and Catholic history would disagree strongly on some of those subjects. I'm with the historians. Catholicism is mostly lies.
I'm gonna text Damo to give ya a good nuggy the next time he sees that should sort ya out, maybe a pink belly too, i might get all the BOOurnzes in on it. You better watch yerself.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 9:56 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Hallaluya, i have been saved, My faith has been restored. finally a real sign.

Rejoice! See Him! Have Faith! Praise Him! Spread the Word!

Rejoice! Even his disagreeableness Sir Benny Boo Boo Boo-urns of Britain can't refute this un!

"Jesus Appears on Backside of Beloved Pet!

Angus MacDougall is a three-year-old terrier mix that has recently been blessed with the revered and holy image of Jesus Christ on his hindquarters. Is this manifestation of The Prince of Peace a coincidence or a bona fide miracle? One thing is for certain, this apparition of the Son of God is sure to inspire controversy. Not much if any true scientific or theological inquiry has been made into the nature of this sign to date, but "seeing is believing" as little Angus' terrier-tush is obviously marked by the likeness of Christ. Click the link below to view Angus and his sacred derriere extraordinaire".

Last edited by Led on Tue May 01, 2007 5:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

the power of christ compels thee...
it's not u, it's the GEE talking!!
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