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So whats this all about then eh ?
This website was dreamed up one morning way back in 2004, in a little house named "10 Willow View". After a long night 'socialising', a conversation was struck up about holidaying pals in South America. The prosptect of how hard it was to keep in contact with everyone in a circle of friends,aswel as how hard it was share photos while abroad was brought up and the ensueing conversation was basically about a website we could all use to share conversations and photos while away from Athlone.
And this is the end result !

Where did the idea for the name come from you may ask ?
The answer is, a little fairy by the name of Elenor one day was eyeing up this truck driver see, and spotted scribbled across the side of his truck.
On hearing of the incident I thought hey, thats a class idea for the name of the website myself and Ledimus had conversed about !
The reason being (insert excuse for not telling about Granard here).
And hey presto, after much deliberation, talking and no action I am glad to anounce its presence on the internet =)
Copyright Jason Croghan 2005

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